Episode 31
May 10, 2021
Quick Bite: Tips for COVID Legal Compliance with Angelo Amador
Guest Speakers:
Vaccinations are finally widely available. In a rush to get back to normal service, many restaurants are trying to ensure their workers get vaccinated. But there is a big difference between encouraging and mandating employee vaccinations. Angelo Amador, Executive Director of the Restaurant Law Center, stopped by Order Up to offer tips on how restaurant owners can stay in compliance with legal regulations.
This podcast is not intended to provide medical or legal advice. The podcast listeners are encouraged to do their own research, and where appropriate, obtain the advice or guidance of legal counsel or the input of other experts with respect to their practices and/or applicable laws. Nothing in this podcast shall be deemed to create or grant any rights to any third parties. Listeners are encouraged to consider the applicability and suitability of the information provided for their own individual circumstances, and the National Restaurant Association and their affiliates cannot warrant the applicability of the information to any particular listener or party. Given the rapidly evolving nature of the pandemic, guidance may change as our understanding of unique challenges that COVID-19 poses within each country, state, and locality.
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