Restaurant Advocacy Fund

The Restaurant Advocacy Fund, also known as RAF, protects and promotes the restaurant industry at the state and local levels. Although the industry is a powerful economic force, legislators and special interest groups each year introduce numerous bills and regulations that could hurt restaurants' ability to remain in business.
The Restaurant Advocacy Fund aims to build a strong advocacy arm at the state and local level. Whatever the issue, we need RAF to be in a position to win legislative battles.
RAF relies on contributions from those who work within and are associated with the restaurant industry. Contributing to RAF provides our industry with the necessary resources for advocacy at the state and local levels. With your financial support, we can work more effectively to promote positive change for restaurants, our employees, and the people we serve.
Born out of the Save American Free Enterprise Fund, RAF was created in 2011 to finance advocacy and issue campaigns on legislative and regulatory issues that affect restaurants of all segments and sizes. RAF supports the restaurant industry's interests, in cooperation with the National Restaurant Association and its state restaurant association partners, as well as restaurant operators and suppliers.
Each time an interest group or a legislator proposes a new mandate or a new tax, it has the potential to hit hard. Restaurants must engage rapidly -- which is why the Restaurant Advocacy Fund exists. We provide education, expert resources and financial support to coalitions and partnerships at the national level. Working closely with state restaurant associations, funds prevent new laws and regulations from being enacted without industry input at the state and local level.
RAF covers all issues that have the potential to impact the way restaurants operate. With so many matters critical to the industry's survival, we need financial backing to make sure we identify solutions in a timely manner.
Help protect America’s restaurants. Donate to the Restaurant Advocacy Fund
The Restaurant Advocacy Fund can accept corporate or personal contributions and there is no limit on the amount. The National Restaurant Association collects and administers the funds. The Restaurant Advocacy Fund is the restaurant industry’s primary fundraising platform for current and emerging public affairs issues.
Contact us
Questions? Contact Annie McEniry.