National ProStart Invitational gets ready to roll

NPSI will showcase nearly 400 students competing for scholarships that help them advance their educations and aspirations to become industry professionals.
After a two-year COVID-19 hiatus, the National Restaurant Association Educational Foundation is hosting the 2022 National ProStart Invitational, May 6–8, in Washington, D.C.
NPSI, the country’s premier restaurant management and culinary arts competition for high-school students, will showcase the skills of nearly 400 youths competing for approximately $200,000 in scholarships that will help them advance their educations and fulfill aspirations to become restaurant and hospitality industry professionals.
ProStart is a two-year curriculum practiced at more than 1,750 high schools and career and technical education centers nationwide. It teaches culinary techniques and restaurant management skills that prepare students for successful industry careers. There are nearly 145,000 ProStart students throughout the United States and Guam.
“I’m so pleased these talented ProStart students will be able to bring their skills to the Invitational this year,” said Foundation president Rob Gifford. “Their passion and commitment will be on full display as they vie for top honors and scholarships to support their career goals. These students truly represent our industry’s future, and I can’t wait to see what they achieve here—and beyond.”
A little grit and GRACE
NPSI kicks off May 6, with an opening ceremony at the Washington Hilton in Washington, D.C., followed by a performance of “GRACE” at Ford’s Theatre. The culinary and management competitions will take place May 7-8. Festivities conclude at a May 8 awards dinner, where competition leads will announce the top five teams in both the culinary and restaurant management competitions and award scholarships.
During the festivities, the Foundation also will announce the recipients of the 2022 ProStart Educator of Excellence awards. The awards, sponsored by Golden Corral Corp., recognize exceptional educators in the categories of Classroom Expertise, Best Practice and Knowledge Sharing, and Industry Connections. Each category winner will receives $3,500 for his or her achievements.
One educator will be honored with the James H. Maynard Teacher of the Year award for his or her dedication to providing remarkable experiences to ProStart students. This honoree will receive a $10,000 gift.
Four must-see attractions at NPSI are:
• The Business and Education Expo, where students will be able to connect with industry employers and representatives from colleges and universities. The Expo is a way for both students and recruiters to learn about each other and potentially turn professional dreams into reality.
• Champion’s Night Out, which includes a trip to Washington, D.C.’s historic Ford’s Theatre for an exclusive viewing of GRACE, the brand-new musical celebrating the cultural diversity and traditions of Black-owned restaurants.
• The Culinary Competition sponsored by NestlĂ© Professional, and the Management Competition, sponsored by Ecolab.
• The Coca-Cola Lounge, where students can meet with friends and peers, and take photos, grab refreshments, and shop at the NPSI store. The lounge is sponsored by the Coca-Cola Co.
Learn more about the 2022 National ProStart Invitational at