Always Ready: Natural Disasters

The number and severity of catastrophic weather events are on the rise. Government agencies from FEMA to the CDC and offer myriad resources for preparedness and recovery …
but none is geared specifically to restaurant operations.
The National Restaurant Association Always Ready: Natural Disasters gleans the best practices from official sources and restaurant operators—including human resources and risk managers from independent restaurants and national brands—to share recommendations for what to do in advance, during and after a natural disaster, including:
- Earthquakes
- Floods
- Hurricanes & Tornadoes
- Wildfires
- Severe Winter Storms
This comprehensive guide includes resources to help operators develop
- Crisis management teams
- Insurance coverage
- Emergency contact lists
- Emergency supplies
- Communication protocols
- Disaster response plans for each storm type
- Recovery next steps
Restaurant Disaster Relief Fund
DoorDash(Opens in a new window), in partnership with Hello Alice, will provide $10,000 relief grants to eligible local restaurants affected by state- or federally-declared natural disasters through the $1M. Restaurant Disaster Relief Fund(Opens in a new window). If your restaurant is experiencing hardship due to natural disaster, has three stores or less, employs fewer than 50 employees per location, and has revenues of $3M or less per location in the last 12 months, apply today(Opens in a new window).